Monday, January 31, 2011

Learning Profile

Learning Profile

Kyung Tae Cho

Few weeks ago, Mr. Whiting came into our class during humanities class and explained about what a "Learning Profile" program is. When I first heard the word "Learning Profile", I was very familiar with it because during trimester 1, in humanities support Mr. Whiting came in to explain learning profile and to find out our learning profile. Mr. Whiting told us learning profile program give us important information 'how to study'. He began to show us how to find our learning profile. I was slightly surprised about my profile result because my previous result and the result I took in humanities class were different. But then, Mr. Whiting said it doesn’t matter.

There were many different types of “learning profiles” and each everyone had different learning profile, and I was defined as “Profile G.” While I was testing what profile I am, I found out that most of my friends are all focus on one sides but I was focused on both sides.

Profile G is a logic dominant which means the body parts are focused on both sides. As a result, I learn best when I am visually focused and analyze the details of information. Also I prefer structured learning and appreciate sequencing of information. I think this results give accurate information to me because when I am focused at someone speech, I know and understands what that person is saying but when I lose my focus, I naturally don’t hear anything and does not know what they are saying. Because of this, I lost some important messages or directions from teachers in school. So I often ask my friends what teacher said. Also, I learn and understand easier when teacher writes a note on the board rather than speaking because I lose my focus well so I don’t get to hear what teacher said. Also I prefer teachers to write today’s plan on board to understand better.

Thing that I want teachers to know about me is that I may have feasible challenge with reading or writing languages (essays) that moves from left to right because my left eye scans from right to left. This means that this result makes me harder to learn English and write than other people. I think this result also gives me accurate information to me because when I solve problems like math and quizzes in class, I do silly mistakes because my eye automatically go to right and do not completely read the left side. To get away with this, I have to sit in the front of the room on the left hand side and being allowed to doodle or manipulate clay while reading.